Success stories

« Meet Jake, a feisty yet adorable little poodle of 8 years of age. At the time of his last physical exam, his owner reported a growing mass on the inside of his left thigh. In this case, it was easy to identify the source of the problem, without any further testing: he had a cryptorchidic testis that had developed into a tumor. Unfortunately for Jake, a misplaced testis is at much higher risk of becoming a tumor than one that is correctly located in the scrotum. But thankfully for him though, testicular tumors rarely evolve into generalised cancer. However, the risk of cancer still being present, the recommendation was still to remove the misplaced testis (and so the tumor), and to neuter Jake. The surgery went well and now Jake has recovered to live many more beautiful years. »

- Jake, 8 years old

« Meet Mini, a 4 month old kitten, found with his brother in a ditch and in bad condition. In addition to a stunted growth, Mini had a broken leg at the wrist. By dragging his weight on the leg, the skin was being wounded and the wrist was swollen. In addition to being painfull, that limb was not functionnal. In the state in which that limb was, a corrective surgery was not a possibility. Therfore, it was decided with Mini’s new family, that the removal of his leg would be the best solution for him. A complete amputation of the limb was realized and Mini recovered well. He is now much more active and functionnal without his useless limb. »

- Mini, 4 months old

« Porto is a 6 years old Munsterlander that had been adopted only shortly before being presented at our clinic. Since his adoption, Porto had episodes of lethargy, diarrhea and loss of appetite. When he arrived at the clinic, he was so lethargic that he had to be hospitalised so we could keep a close eye on him and run tests to know what was going on. We were able to diagnose Porto’s disease, which is called hypoadrenocorticism or Addison’s disease. Another name for this condition is the ‘’the great imitator’’, because the symptoms of this condition are often very vague and can look like many diseases all at once. Following a 3 day stay with us to stabilize him, Porto was discharged to go back home with a medication he will have to take for life. Indeed, Porto’s owner must give him daily medication and keep a close eye on him to limit the chances of him relapsing into a disease that could be fatal to him. With this medication now, Porto is doing well and has more energy than ever! »

- Porto, 6 years old

« Zoé is a young female teckel dog that was bitten and violently shaken by a dog much bigger than her. Her owner was quick to bring her to us in emergency to address her state of shock and attempt to surgically close her wounds. Unfortunately, with some types of trauma, it can be hard to evaluate the extent of certain wounds when they have just occurred. A few days after surgery, Zoé skin that first seemed to be healthy, started to necrotise. She had to go back into surgery to have this dead skin removed. Thankfully, everything went well following the second surgery and Zoé went back with her constant joy and good mood! »

- Zoé, 1 year old

« Here is Lady ! This curious little girl has one too many tricks to get into things she shouldn’t. Lady was presented to us after her owner found an empty reel of sewing thread once she came home from work… with about twenty spots of vomit! After a thorough examination of Lady’s mouth, we noted that a piece of thread was lodged under her tongue and was dangling into her throat. Actually, it kept going into all of her digestive track, dangerously damaging it. She needed surgery and fast to remove all that thread and make sure her stomach and intestines were not too damaged. It took Lady a few days to recuperate, but thanks to her owner’s vigilance and quick reaction, this misadventure is now a thing of the past! »

- Lady, 8 years old

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