
When consulting for a sick pet, it may happen that the veterinarian judges the best thing to do is to hospitalise it for a few days, for it to have the best chances at recovering from its condition. For example, a very dehydrated patient following a severe gastro-enteritis may need to be hospitalised in order to receive intravenous fluids, restore its electrolytes and give it different intravenous medication it won’t be able to eliminate by vomiting them.

Your pet is then comfortably set in a cage with blankets, water and the right food for its condition, and with a litterbox if it is a cat. A technician or assistant is then assigned to its care, responsible of taking it outside if it is a dog, stimulating it to eat, administering medication as prescribed and giving it big doses of love! Never underestimate the power of TLC! The veterinarian will follow your pets evolution with physical examinations morning and night (more often if needed), and will communicate with you to let you know how your pet is evolving and what is the recommended treatment plan.

Of course, animals are commonly more stressed at the clinic than at home. That is why we only offer to hospitalise your beloved pet when we think it is the best thing to do. If you leave your pet in our care, know that it possible for you to call us at any time during our opening hours to get an update of its general state, or to make an appointment to visit if your pet has been with us for more than 24 hours.